Hurricane Sally roared through Wednesday night. No damage, no loss of power, lots of water, no tornadoes. It went well for a powerful storm in central Georgia. There weren't many trees downed due to softened soil and the high winds. Of course the gulf coast had a more violent experience.
One of my cats spent the night out. She was tormenting a 3 inch long grasshopper when I took the animals out. Thursday is garbage day. My merry crew and I took the trash truck to the road. I have some very large Pecan trees close to the road. I was pleasantly surprised that there weren't very many limbs from the storm tossed to the ground.
We had about 8 inches of rain. I was wakened about 2 am by an alert on my phone. Afraid it was a tornado warning, I got up to read that roads were flooded. I would think flooded roads would be secondary to a lack of visibility due to the amount of water that was falling in the darkness of night with no stars or moon to give light. I finally lay back down about 3 am. 4 am, the same alert. Wide awake, I made a pot of coffee in case the power went off. I drank the pot of coffee and made another pot for the family when they woke up around 8 and 9 am.
I expected to see large pools of water that morning. It had been dry the week before so I think the plants and Earth could handle the water better. You could see the tall grass bent from the flow of water. So I guess the rain was what they would call a gully washer versus a trash mover.
We've seen a shopping plaza on one of the weather channels. That shopping plaza was a marsh about twenty years ago. The Flint River is not exceptionally high. Where I live, we have storms but not a lot of damage or flooding. You do need a good roof on your house.
View of an overgrown pasture.
I like this picture. Two of my cats have stub tails. The black one, Cassiopeia, is the mother of the others.
Magnified view of the buzzards.
I hope your week has gone well.
As I finish this post, it is all over the news that we have lost Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg. She was a remarkable woman. I would like to write something profound; but, like many, I am stunned and saddened by her passing.