This week's blog is in response to Debbie the Doglady's 30 Odd Question's Blogfest.
What did you want to be when you were a kid?
I really had no dreams. I wanted to have an education and get a job that would pay me well. In elementary school I wanted my hair to grow a little redder so I could play on the All-American Redhead Basketball Team. Being a ballerina was the other consideration.
Which “Friends” character do you relate to the most?
I never watched the television show.
Do you like your name? Yes
Are you messy or neat? Messy. Unfortunately.
How tall are you?
5'9" What no weight! I've got 138 on my driver's license.
How tall were you when you were 10?
Maybe 4'8", I remember I was one of the three tallest girls in sixth grade. The other two girls stopped growing and I continued. I was one of the tallest people male or female in my high school graduating class.
What is your guilty pleasure?
Driving back roads and dirt roads.
What are you saving money for right now? Nothing.
How many Pringles can you eat at once?
Probably the whole can. But I would stop at a fourth or third.
Tea or coffee? Coffee
Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Introvert
What will be your Halloween costume this year?
None, Halloween is fun but right up there with cat videos. I love laughing or looking at people's costumes. But, no I'm not that keen about Halloween.
Sweet or salty? Sweet.
Favorite social media?
Blogger. I enjoy reading other blogs which leads me to googling what I have never really heard of before.
Who is the last person you kissed?
My mother. My mother has a very protective chihuahua. So I always announce in her room that I am kissing mama. She has to hurry to my mother and do the kissing.
What is your favorite breakfast? Scrambled eggs
When is your birthday? May 13
When did you start your blog? December 2012
What is your opinion on the Kardashians? Boring
How would you describe your style?
Getting older, not giving a damn but pretending I do. I'm not really that bad. I just have to remind myself to not be so outspoken.
What color is your hair? A lot of salt with a wee bit of pepper left.
What color socks are you wearing? No socks.
What is your dream job? traveler.
Dogs or cats? Can't choose. I love them both.
What makes you weird? I don't like waste.
Celebrity crush?
A million years ago, Sean Connery. I also loved that man who played Professor Snape on Harry Potter.
Opinion on cigarettes?
Terrible habit no one should start.
That said, I am a former smoker. I think I quit because I was so disgusted with the habit. Now I understand why former smokers detest the habit so much. It takes that to quit cold turkey.
The night before I quit I though about the fact I may be one of those gross old women you see smoking. The next morning, I just did not smoke. It was iffy a few times about my quitting. The big crossroads was when I could remind myself I no longer had a smoker's cough.
Do you have children? No, I would have liked to have had children though.
Two favorite boy names? Stephen, David
Favorite girl name? Elise