Friday, May 6, 2016

See everyone in June.

This was my second A to Z. It was as fun as the first one.

I technically did not finish. I burned out and stopped answering comments. Not that big a job I know. It is that interpersonal thing. That shyness that makes you reluctant to open up to other people compounded by being ready to finish.

I do plan to go back and read a few blogs I enjoy. Some I will never return to in that you have to live in the present. A hallmark of blogs that stalled were few or no comments. That is discouraging and why I try to leave comments. One thing some people don't do is visit other blogs and that does generate visits.

I helped Alex Cavanaugh in looking through the blogs for those not participating or more importantly spammers. I'm still seeing constantly showing up in my statistics as various blog tools. Spam is such an annoyance.

I would say, I would never look at statistics again. However, it is a handy way to find your friends in the blogosphere and catch up with them. So I got my list and I do plan to visit more along the way. I have read some great blogs.

But what I do know is that old realization from growing up. When things are too forced, they are just not meant to be. For me both blogs have been good for me. I've learned more about what people read. It explains why all Southern stories have such pathos. People love sad stories. I remember when I walked through the video rental stores when they existed. I headed for the comedies but usually walked out with a drama.

In short, A to Z is more than a challenge, it is a perspective. I plan to take May off. I've got too many irons on the fire. I'll be back posting in June. Cheers.


  1. That is so true about A/Z being more of a perspective and so true about learning what people read and what fascinates them. Blog titles with interesting names always get my attention so I would tend to check those out first when looking to see what blogs to visit during the challenge or sometimes I would start at a block of numbers and work through 10-15 at a time as I had time. Some I just couldn't read more than a few paragraphs and had to move away because they weren't my "cup of tea" or were long entries that didn't get my attention in the first few paragraphs.

    I think the success of my blog is only because people keep coming back looking for the next train wreck; life has settled down but there was a stretch of time when it was one disaster after another and although I never completely told the story, I wondered if people really thought I was making up some of these things (sadly I wasn't) so you are right sometimes people go for drama rather than comedy.

    I must have visited close to 500 blogs in addition to the large number of blogs I already follow, most of which were doing the challenge. Of the new blogs I visited I maybe got back 20% of people visiting me back. I always tried to visit those that visited me except if it was hard to find their blog or to leave a comment. That was a frustrating point for me. Like you, I helped Joy with the Joyful Charade as a minion and was in charge of about 15 numbers on the list to see if they were posting, keeping on track, leave a comment, etc. The blog names would change as blogs got eliminated from the challenge but it was the same numbers I was to check in on. Of those blogs, even those I left comments on for several days in a row, I rarely if ever got back a visit, which I found quite interesting.

    I also did find a lot of blogs that had no comments or few comments and again those rarely returned a visit to me. So maybe their purpose to blog wasn't to build readership or connect with others, but mainly to discipline themselves to write for 26/30 days.

    The challenge is overwhelming at times, but I have picked up lots of new blogs to read as a result of the now 4 years I've participated. I don't think I would have found those blogs without the challenge.

    I'm terrible about commenting back on my blog to a comment. I will email back if their email address is attached to their comment if they have a question or visit back their blog and answer their question in a comment I'll leave on their blog. I know it is something that is suggested and highly encouraged to do as part of the challenge, but I rarely, if never, go back and check out a comment I've left on someone's blog to see if they responded; I simply don't have enough time.

    Enjoy your break; now that I have written a novel here.


    1. You said so many things I thought. I'm glad for the people I have met through A to Z. It did not open up to me until then.

  2. And I appreciate you helping me last month.
    The Reflections list opens on Monday - be sure to slip by the A t Z Blog and add a link to this post.
    Betty's comment about people not visiting or returning comments. I am hearing that a lot...
    Enjoy your break, Ann!

    1. I'm glad you guys let me help. It gave me some direction in trying to read blogs. Lots of good surprises along the way. This is why I need to go back this time.

  3. Yeah, it can take it's toll. Found a few new blogs, but many didn't comment back so pfffft to them.

    1. Not following up with people who take the time to comment is not a good idea for someone who wants people to return. It's that interaction most enjoy. Plus, very few blogs are that exciting for people to be waiting for the next post. You might enjoy what you read but there is so much out there competing.

  4. Enjoy your extended time off! I only found you in April and do hope to get to know you better.
    Barbara, blogging at Life & Faith in Caneyhead

    1. Thanks Barbara. I have enjoyed your blog and plan to be visiting. When I put a few fires out at home first, I'll be visiting everyone.

  5. You are one I am glad I met through the A-Z. I hope we can continue our our blogger/friend-ship. I find you interesting and worth the time and effort. Many (many) of the blogs I visited were not keeping up with posting the letter of the day, or just did not fit with me. I wish you a wonderful month of reflection and whatever makes you happy. Namaste.

    1. I am very happy to come across you too. I found some great new friends this time around. Take care.

  6. Have a peaceful summer,Ann. I've enjoyed your posts and appreciated your comments on mine :-)

    1. I will be commenting more. The people I normally read, I decided to come back to after the challenge. I got a lot of life getting in the way now. But I know I will be back.

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks prairie, I look forward to catching up on your blog.

  8. You're such a great A to Zer. See you in June.

    1. Thank you Susan. It was good to be your minion last year too. It was my first time and it made me feel a part of the challenge.

  9. Hi Ann,

    There certainly is a perspective, or pawspective, as the famous dog would say, in regards to the A to Z. It seems you need a bit of rest, a rethink and a good old recharge of your batteries. Although I try not to be too cynical about the alphabet challenge, judging by the number of emails from those participating that I've received in the past that found it caused nothing but anxiety and guilt from not being able to be proactive, I personally think it's time for the whole thing to be confined to the history books.

    You take it easy and look forward to reading your blog in June. In the meantime, there's always um, Farcebook!

    Gary :)

    1. I wouldn't miss farcebook now that a little funny sarcasm drips in my feed now. lol

      A to Z does take over. Sometimes I would visit a blog that was on my list and what do you know, A to Z. I will say when we post too much, we just aren't as interesting. Well, that applies to me at least.

  10. We'll leave the light on for ya.

    1. I'll be around. Just commenting instead of posting. Cheers Sandra.

    2. That works. A belated Happy Bday, Ann. I left you birthday wishes at my place.

  11. I must say Ann I always like to read your posts. I find There is normally a thing or two that is in line with my way of thinking. As for the A to Z, at times I feel way out of my league. I am not a writer or author and don't have aspirations in that respect. I like to write about everyday things which is why I often gravitate to similar blogs. Congratulations, Ann, on writing 2 blogs as well as taking on the huge task to assist the administrator of A to Z. Carolyn @

  12. I must say Ann I always like to read your posts. I find There is normally a thing or two that is in line with my way of thinking. As for the A to Z, at times I feel way out of my league. I am not a writer or author and don't have aspirations in that respect. I like to write about everyday things which is why I often gravitate to similar blogs. Congratulations, Ann, on writing 2 blogs as well as taking on the huge task to assist the administrator of A to Z. Carolyn @

  13. "A to Z is more than a challenge, it's a perspective" — Never truer words, Ann. I love your take on this... Yes, too many blogs go bust, or abandoned (I've been guilty of that, ahem), and it really is a shame. But I'm so, so pleased to have met you this year, and I look forward to many visits back and forth. Enjoy your month off, and see you in June! (Well, except for that lovely guest post you've so kindly agreed to do over at Life In Dogs — really looking forward to that!)

  14. The A to Z is over for the moment. Enjoy whatever you've worked out for yourself. We'll see you back in June, Ann!


  15. Yup, I know all about burn out. It's wise to take the time out that you need to sort out your own stuff.


Your thoughts.


 Zephyr is a soft, peaceful breeze. And I thought it had to be an imaginary animal. For many of you, we will not meet again until the next A...