Wednesday, January 18, 2017

There is a great blog called Imaginary Garden with Real Toads, Then I found the sister site,  These writers are incredible. I learn so much just following them.

I went to an event called Storytellers where people just get up and tell a story based on a theme. This past month, it was about borderlines. I don't know how any of the stories discussed the theme. Truth be told they weren't very interesting and my mind wandered. Everyone was there for the same reason as I, to get used to speaking in front of people. Next month, the theme is dirty. So if I think of a good narrative to deliver; the theme incongruity will not be a problem.

I plan to get a deck of cards to play cards with my sister at the hospital. Her dining room table is being moved into our den to put a big puzzle on. We used to do a jigsaw puzzle over Christmas holidays as a family when I was a kid. We always laughed about some pieces had to be taken out and put in the right place. Younger family members insisted if they could make it fit, well ---

My sister is doing fabulous at the rehab. I can tell she is becoming more competent and able bodied. I have my doubts that she will walk again. But being able to transfer and use handicap equipment is good. More importantly being able to live a happy life is better.

Health crisis are the worst. You have no control of the outcome. Being just like new is truly a precious thing. I overheard a study where happiness of individuals was determined more by health than wealth. If you have your choice, I would choose health too.

During some of the footage of people fleeing Aleppo, I saw a man pushing someone in a wheelchair. My burdens seem light in comparison. Geography helps with happiness. I'm glad I don't live in a war torn area or where women have to live such a second class life.

The man roofing my house fell through where the wood was rotting. I hated it. But it was a scraped leg versus a joint injury which will revisit you later in life. It did run through my head, do you have insurance? Luckily, his sister cleans houses for a living so it looks like I can get some help with household chores.

Wealth is another thing. Being solidly in the middle class, it is humbling hiring someone to clean house for myself. Having someone work to maintain my home while I read or watch television or pursue my hobbies once more. I remember when I first taught school, I felt an inner awkwardness in telling students what to do. I remember talking on the phone to a friend and I could hear the vacuum in the background. I asked her if she was vacuuming, oh that is the maid was her answer.

This is a year of change for me. With all the turmoil in politics, change is in the cards for many people. I remember voting for Reagan and the recession that occurred the second year of his presidency. I was laid off from my job.  What seemed truly terrifying led to a better job. I suspect all the political talk we hear are people not prepared to do anything in their need to hold power.

I had my teeth cleaned Thursday, the hygienist was telling me how she thought she would scream if anyone talked politics. What is tickling me now are people trying not to discuss politics. But by what the news is, they are still writing around the topic with their lament. I would laugh harder; but, I understand how they feel. It is hard to let go about things you feel strongly about.

We got a new roof on the house and it looks pretty good. Life is good. Maybe I'll get out. I hope your week goes well.


  1. Blah to falling through, but good you got a new roof. Great she is doing better too. Health and wealth go hand in hand. Especially when you have health issues, no wealth, very little health.

    1. True, being too poor can work against your health. I'm glad he did not get seriously hurt. It was in an area he had patched last year.

  2. Oh my with the guy falling through the rotted wood! We have had several roofs replaced at various houses and thankfully no injuries (but such loud noise while the roofing is going on). Glad to hear your sister is doing good at rehab; a deck of cards sounds like a wonderful activity to do while visiting; also puzzles at home are fun too! So many memories made while working on puzzles in my youth with my family.


    1. I had a chance to sneak a nap and I did not sleep. All that tap, tap, tap was eerie. No wonder mom's dog Daisy was so stressed. I was just glad it happened while my sister was at the hospital.

  3. Bummer the guy went through the roof.
    Good to hear your sister is doing better. It will just take time.
    Everyone is ready to panic tomorrow. Chill, people. We'll survive.
    The theme is dirty? The places my mind would go...

    1. They say storytelling is not suitable for children. I guess not next month. lol

      So true about politics. It will happen. We may all be the better for it. We certainly are going to be smarter I hope.

  4. Pretty quiet on the farmyard political scene, the critters only want to eat and have a pleasant life.I laugh when I hear disparity thinking save those troubles for 4 years and see if they are the same. The election is over.the puzzle is good, it works both sides of the brain and invigorates thought and passions in life.

    1. Wise words, the more things change the more they stay the same. I have always liked that saying.

      I did not think about that with the puzzle. I just want everyone doing something and giving me some peace. But two birds with one stone. Great.

  5. are right. We will survive, no matter what.

    1. I think about what my dad said about the depression. It was horrible. But most everyone made it through. I just can't stand to see someone do without.

  6. I remember in our old house the electrician made a crack in the roof because he walked on plain dry wall ceiling that was the floor of the attic. Thank God only a wooden post went through the ceiling.

    1. Oh my, I have heard of people pushing a leg through dry wall. No matter how much someone knows, they don't always know it all, eh.

  7. Glad to hear your sister is doing well. I love jigsaw puzzles. The storytelling sounds very brave. I would do okay if I didn't have to make it up on the spot.


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