Friday, June 16, 2017

Five Weird Things About Me

I've been invited by Barbara who writes the blog Life & Faith Caneyhead in a little grown-up but not Adult truth or dare. What makes me weird.

It is listing five things that are weird about me. After I list those five things, I'm supposed to challenge five more people.

1. I almost always have a dog in the car. Different dogs for different journeys.

2. I try to recycle everything. Every once in awhile I throw away glass or paper and say to myself, "I'll save the world tomorrow."

3. I will wash out pretty containers and save them for a good use until they hit critical mass and then I toss them.

4. I would rather work outside than inside.

5. My house on a good day is disheveled. Too little time and if I got extra time, it is not spent on housecleaning. I believe in feeling too good to go to work. The heck with sick days.

It didn't take me too long to create a list. That is not a good sign.

The five I challenge are on the honor system.  If you make a list, leave me a link or message in the comments. I'm not spending as much time on the internet. Sometimes I get up and stay busy with keeping my household going. It keeps the folks living here content.

And of course, share the fun and challenge five more.


  1. I'm sure the dogs all appreciate their special times in the car.
    I'd rather work indoors than out. There's bugs out there. And humidity.

    1. The dogs love to go riding. I open a car door to retrieve something, and I have to fight at least one of them to get out. I only work when the heat of the day is off.

  2. I was scrolling down this post and got to the last photo and shouted for hubby to come look...our stepdaughter has a brindle pit-boxer mix and a black/white Rat Terrier. Both look eerily similar to your two pups! We had to laugh...

    1. Then your step daughter has got some good dogs. But when is a dog bad?

  3. I'm with you 3 out of 5! I only take the girls (two choc. labs) with me when I'm checking jobs and might need 'backup' ;-) I run from snakes and bury dead lizards. I love the sound of church bells and the smell of freshly wet creosote (first sign of rain). Great pictures!

    1. I love how it smells after it rains. It happens regularly here. The smell of wet creosote would be new for me. But church bells have a good ring. I'm not scared of snakes but I do feel a squeel when I see them.

  4. Outside at my sea? Nah, I'll stay in side and bug free lol Pup sure looks happy bouncing away. The cats go with me sometimes, but they aren't happy campers.

    1. I adopted a yard cat about thirty years ago. Once she discovered central heat and air, the deck was as far as she would venture outside.

  5. We're pretty good about recycling.

    I could almost write with my toes.

    1. I remember my older brother pinching me with his toes.

  6. Your weird things don't strike me as weird at all. Which worries me (a little).

    1. These would be idiosyncrasies in my opinion. However, I am copying the originator of this meme expansion. I don't believe in printing unflattering things about yourself. However, none of us would really know we are the eccentric. lol.

  7. Ann, I am thrilled you played along!
    I love your pup photos! Can tell you are proud of them.
    I save plastic containers instead of buying them.
    While I love being outside, I don't do much real work out there any more.
    I look at housework as, some things must be done, but all other can wait if there is any kind of enjoyment to be had.

    1. It was a great idea and fun to do. Thanks for including me, just don't pinch me with your toes.

  8. I wasn't sure how to post on your blog so I just picked one of your pictures. I want to thank you for stopping by my blog and I thought it was great the way you and Barbara played along. I just love animals. I have always had a dog and believe me he rules the roost. LOL

    1. I've always owned a pet. I did not know I was going to be such an animal lover.

  9. How cute with the dogs getting their car rides in with you as you rotate through them! Our corgi was so spoiled on weekends we took him for car rides, specifically took him, not as an ends of a means for an errand, etc. (which we did plenty of that when the weather was okay for him to be in the car while an errand was run). I do the same with plastic containers. Unfortunately, (or fortunately) there was a time son/family were eating here a lot and I would send home leftovers. I didn't necessarily always get back the containers so had to buy some plastic containers at the store :)


    1. I was raised to think animals had no soul. A woman who lived in the neighborhood said they did. The more I have known my pets, I think they have souls too. They can be very dear to you.

  10. What cute dogs! I'm with you on the cleaning house and recycling. There are days I'd be happy to stay in my dark room and write and others I'd spend outside until the sun went down and the mosquitos take over.

    1. I did not inherit the organisation gene. I can walk through a room and it becomes disheveled.

  11. I enjoyed this very much! If those are "weird" things, I am much weirder. *wink*

    1. There was the temptation to make up some creepy weird things. But I thought it might not be a good idea on down the line. It might come back to bite me in the rump.

  12. Great post! A lot of thanks.

  13. All your things seem perfectly normal to me. What does that say about me? Love working outside too. I do the same thing with recycle. I try to always but sometimes I fail!

  14. I am a compulsive recycler. I do not throw away disposable plastic wear . so I have some weirdness in me too.

  15. Once I made my inside home free of pets amazed me how often I needed to clean.


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