Monday, March 16, 2020

Theme Reveal - About the House.

Social Distancing is for the birds. Suddenly, my homebody lifestyle is ready to travel. Well actually, I always want to travel. It's just this little thing called money and responsibilities that ties me to my home. A house full of dogs and cats keep me busy too.
I currently have the widow dog at my feet. She mourned my brother, but she has adjusted to her new home. Her breath stinks when she barks at me to get up and do some mysterious chore for her. I've told her "heck no" we are not trampling through the weeds and briers of the woods.
She didn't eat her dog food this morning. I was cooking a roast beef. She was waiting for a better offer. I have to feed her around 5:30 PM. She barks at me and looks at the stove repeatedly. I know what my brother did at 5:30 most nights.
Anyway, I'll be making periodic posts on my Facebook page about good blogs that I enjoy reading and other flotsam. Naw, it is not like I got that much free time. I am behind as usual. When I die, I predict someone will light a match to settle my affairs.
I set up a Facebook page to build my platform as I wrote the great American novel. That novel has sprouted stories much like the snakes of Medusa's head. The story I chop off and finish is the real mystery. Platform is my comic relief. I'll go out and look for Perseus in the night sky for inspiration on how to handle this monster my writing has become.

Meanwhile, my theme for 2020 A to Z will be ABOUT THE HOUSE. It is blogging as normal for me. You'll wonder if I have more snakes in my head than Medusa had on hers. HeHeHe

Hopefully most will be tongue in cheek. Some people are possessed by Demons. Me, it is a squirt of a dog.

Cheers and I hope we all avoid this Corona virus. Real life and adulthood are close to the same thing. I still got my mom so I am still a bit sheltered from real life. I may take care of her but she still likes me to brag about myself to her.


  1. Good to hear from you! Glad you will be blogging the whole month of April for the Challenge.

  2. I don't play FB.
    Have fun with your A-Z, and stay safe.

    1. You aren't missing much. I enjoy the memes and some of the info. But you can waste a lot of time with it. I've reconnected with people I went to high school with which is cool. You stay safe too EC. I looked up the blog of one of the Aussies that commented on your blog. They were more Australian centric. I enjoyed learning about the Queensland politics. Some things are true the world over. lol

  3. I think I will have far more time to blog, not allowed out now except to get food, go to the chemist or go to the hospital!!! Trouble is what will there be to blog about!! Thanks for your visit. Stay safe Diane

    1. I know you like to get out. I am the same. Staying in the same place will be a challenge. We are being encouraged to self isolate which we are complying with. I'm getting a good bit done that I have postponed. I look to have a large garden this year.

  4. Good you are doing the challenge!! Life sure can get busy and complicated at times, can't it? Do take care of yourself and your mom!!!


    1. Busy is so very true. It is funny how time speeds up and we stay so much more busier as we get older. I'm looking forward to the challenge. I usually winged it. This year, I am going to get a bit written earlier so I can enjoy the other blogs.

  5. Life is just too busy. Stay secluded and safe.

    1. Thanks Diane. We're going to get pedicures tomorrow and then we shall shut ourselves away. I pray you stay well too.

  6. Good for you to do the A to Z. Around the house is the perfect subject in the current world we live in.

    1. I've enjoyed some of the homeschooling memes that are floating about. My favorite is the one where the parent's have expelled their children for fighting the first day. Thank you Susan.


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