Thursday, March 9, 2017

Last night it rained and I could hear all the water hitting the window panes, tinking on the gutters. I really like my room in the garage. It was the first night I felt like the new room was my room.

A dog jumped into my lap with little Bo Duke already beside me. In the jossle, I spilled a hot cup of coffee on the keyboard of my laptop. It worked for awhile. But unfortunately, I got to see the blue screen of death.

I haven't been posting regular, I have no ideas. I've got a story cooking for sure. But mostly I have been cooking, picking up, washing loads of clothes, feeding dogs, dreaming about what I want to do and know it is not going to happen. And heck yeah I got opinions. They are the same opinions that my friend Laverne is posting all over Facebook.

I would say I was in a "blue funk"; but, I feel pretty good. I'm just overloaded. It seems like the purpose of my life at times was to learn how to function with very little control. I've given myself permission to just be lazy after I get my sister in bed at night. I used to get it all done.

I was not going to do the A to Z this year; but, I have a theme. I've always been a huge reader. So I have mapped out an A to Z listing of writers. Interesting enough, I took the time to find a Z to realize I already had a Z listed. It was the N that was difficult.

Ho Hum,

I'm also going to do A to Z for my science education blog. It will be a fact versus opinion tour.

There is a new writer's group here at the edge of the universe. We had an older man who has all the answers to the universe written in several thin volumes about religion. Hopefully he won't talk too much and let me do all the talking. lol  I'm just excited to have someone to talk to in the evenings. Everyone else seems very interesting.

There is a newly graduated from college kid. He sits there continuing to write his Sci Fi saga. What he has read aloud is quite good. So a writing career may happen for him. The leader and two other women were much like me. Writers and big time readers. One of the women was considerably younger than the three of us.

Our prompt this week in the meeting was to write a haiku about the upcoming Cherry Blossum festival in Macon, GA.  The young man blew all of us out of the water by the way.

But this is the one I wrote,

Pink limbs twirl in flight

Against warm green grass delight

Beauty in bright sunlight.

吉野町飯貝 本善寺にて「懐の桜」 Omoi-no-sakura 2012.4.10 - panoramio
Nankou Oronain (as36… [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
Yoshino Cherry tree in Nara Prefecture, Japan


  1. Hope the new writers group works out.
    No A to Z Challenge this year. Too much with the IWSG on top of it.

    1. Being a host is an incredible amount of work. I hope the new system works well. Thanks for the good wishes.

  2. Sounds like a great mix of a group. Sometimes life has other plans and blogging takes a backseat. Blah to the blue screen of death though.

    1. Seeing the blue screen of death is right up there with knowing what an Earthquake feels like or actually hearing the sound of a tornado. Thanks for visiting Pat.

  3. Glad you are enjoying your room in the garage :) I always enjoy listening to rain, especially in the nighttime. Beautiful blooming tree! I'm posting less these days but still keeping up with reading blogs. Been busy with lots of things and sometimes can't be too inspired to write a post or the post I would want to write I can't really share. Its all good :)

    Your A/Z sounds interesting. Sitting it out this year but looking forward to reading yours as time permits :)


    1. I don't know how good the posts will be. Most will be short which is always good when you are visiting a lot of blogs. Take care Betty.

  4. always fun to look at new ideas.I would like to see those cherries

    1. There is plenty to see in the prairie. But you would enjoy our year round outdoor show. The warm winter has trees confused. Dogwoods are in bloom and they usually don't wake up until April.

  5. Good luck with the A to Z Challenge.

    It sounds like that young man has some talent.

    1. Thank you Diane.

      I hope he does, he writes so doggedly.

  6. March storms are so wicked. A windstorm just took out our east side fence. I am hoping that the insurance will cover it. I am planning an A-Z, too. Mine is about meaningful lyrics. I am going to reveal a bit more my feelings with this. I tend to hold back. Hugs!

    1. I noticed the metal roof of a barn nearby has a large gaping opening. I don't remember it being that windy. I bet they do though.
      I'm looking forward to your posts. They sound great.

  7. I love your haiku! I could "see" it before I saw the picture. It's good you have a group to chat with. I know when I stayed home with each of my children for the first five years of their lives, the thing I craved the most was just to get out without them and have adult conversation. Now, I would not trade those years with them for anything! But we need diversity in our lives.
    Barbara from Life & Faith in Caneyhead

    1. I try to remind myself to slow down and enjoy everyone. I tell myself what I do for them is more important than house beautiful or writing. But it is exciting having the possibility of meeting others. My mother has a good mind which is a blessing.

  8. Sorry about the blue screen of death. I love your haiku. Perhaps the writing group will inspire you.

  9. That photo is ample inspiration. Thanks for sharing the haiku. I've been in a bit of a writing drought, but I'm hoping to get back into it soon.

  10. It would seem you've found a way to look beyond the blue screen - good for you!
    Glad to hear you're participating in the A to Z challenge! A writer's group is always good for creativity, confidence is a secret bonus ;-) I love your haiku - as well as the picture.


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