I've been reading an older book by FBI profiler John Douglas. It has helped me with my writing in that he does write about how a crime affects a victim. Sometimes I get lost on writing that villian until I don't consider how the victim who rises up has a difficult time rising. Life only appears to go back to normal.
This goes to confidence. I'm one of those people who attempts to get everyone to like me. Like my mother, I will climb a tree to avoid an argument. One cool thing when you take care of an elderly parent is that you see yourself so well at times. It is obvious a lot of training occurs before yourealize it.
In packing up my brother's house; I see so many family traits. One we are packrats, two we save money when we can, three - well organization. There is impeccable organization on one end and the rest of it can go to hell. I am still getting old newspapers up at his house. I can tell he was preparing to move.
My brother was very organized with his paperwork. Next time I go to his house, I am packing up boxes of papers. Most of which will be burned in that they are just old bills he has saved. And yes, I have got ridiculous items like that saved.
I remember when I first started teaching school, a teacher was talking about throwing away the old gradebooks a teacher who had long retired had left. If I could step back in time, I would have gotten them. You know gradebooks from the 1950's would be an interesting thing to look at now. So you see why my family has so much clutter.
But my brother had a confidence I never had. He would tease people to get a reaction. My dad was on a bus tour with my mom and they were told they did not need the dinner tickets they had been given earlier in the day, just walk into the restaurant. Well my dad teased this woman for her dinner ticket, and she was holding on to hers unaware of what my dad and mom had been told.
We all have a joking nature which we get from my father. As an adult, I can tell you joking is a way of coping with what you can't control. I was a funny teacher. I used humor to corral students with the lack of power I actually had. I've lived long enough to know there are some things you can't joke your way out.
What motivates Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene who represents the 14th district of Georgia. She is close to 50. She inherited a profitable home building-remodeling business from her father. She is married with several kids. So why in the heck does she maintain that 9-11 was a hoax, the pentagon did not have a plane crash into it and all the school shootings did not happen. The school shootings were hoaxes financed by Soros. I watched a video of her verbally haranguing a student who was at the capital about the Parkland School shooting.
This is a video by Marjorie Taylor Greene about the Vegas shooting where the shooter just shot people at a concert. Then killed himself. I've learned from Douglas that that type of individual wants to be totally in control. So when they kill themselves, it is to maintain control.
This is an article that details some of the more extreme ideation of Marjorie Taylor Greene. https://www.mediamatters.org/facebook/marjorie-taylor-greene-endorsed-deranged-conspiracy-theory-about-democrats-and-satanic
I don't think Marjorie Taylor Greene is crazy. So why would she be trying so hard to get people to run down a rabbit hole as she watches. I do not think she believes all this rubbish. Her response on Facebook to someone read to me more like a con artist grooming a victim.
And this is what makes me bitter. I know many in that part of Northeast Georgia and Northwest Alabama who buy into all this garbage. The ones that hurt the most are those that are kin to me. So you damn right, I am angry. And it is a hotter anger than what I feel for all these internet cons in that what do they really get out of it.
I don't need a crystal ball. Marjorie Taylor Greene will probably be divorced and will lose her business in about ten years. There were fourteen complaints with customers on the BBB website. Better Business Bureau Complaints Her mouth has opened her up to a lot of litigation. If she doesn't take to heart the Republican talking to she is going to get, she will get the golden handshake.
Will she be like the lawyer L Lin Woods who is estranged from his children? L. Lin Wood is the victim of a crime. When he was 16, he came home to his father having murdered his mother. His parents were alcoholics. I remember a man I dated in the early 90s saying he knew Lin Wood. Lin Wood had a good reputation. But his manipulation of fanaticism will make people remember his feet were indeed made of clay.
But what motivates Greene besides power?
It is the Republican party who has to put a stop to this. I also don't think the Republican party is responsible for this craziness. It is a victim too. Republican Governor Kemp has been a good leader. He has done a good job of trying to create a balance between preventing the spread of Covid and the state functioning in business and everyday life. I have a lot of respect for politicians. They get a lot of blowback from too many people. I have a lot of respect for people who hold office. I could not stand the crap they have to deal with.
But what are your thoughts on why Marjorie Taylor Greene? I don't get it.