Sunday, August 11, 2013

Big Brother

I've been busy slugging away at keeping my head above water. Sometimes I just give up and float.

Engrossed in the television show Big Brother. I usually tape Big Brother and Survivor and then there is a 1 in ten chance I will fast forward through them to see the characters, who wins, and a few blah blah blahs. I have not only watched the taped shows, I have watched half of the Big Brother at night on TVGN.

Maybe a waste of my time.

I don't know what has engrossed me the most. My man Howard was voted out. I certainly don't care which one wins. After all the scheming, you lose respect for them. I feel the most for Gina Marie. Howard had the most respect for her too. There is a sincerity she cannot totally walk away from.

One gal wants the money very badly. I have that feeling that if she won it, the money would be gone within a year and we would hear her sob story of her car being repossessed. I would like to be wrong.

But IM not so HO, it is better to work regularly at the Dairy Queen or greasy spoon or job that is regular than be hitching your wagon to a star. Clearly, the folks are cast and hope to spin a career off the opportunity.
In ways, I sold my soul to retire with a pension. That creative part of me packed into a maddening corner. When I first released it, I felt a relief and and unsteadiness at first. Like everything in life, my choice was a double edged sword. I have money to live on which is great especially in your fifties. I never pursued my dreams.

Other than Spencer on Big Brother, I have no dog in the fight. My three contenders have a snowballs chance in hell of winning. Sort of like my messy house getting clean. LOL. Anyway, I hope to have the interior spiffed up by the end of August. The outside by the end of September and a cleaning lady to come once a week afterwards. A girl can dream.

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