Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Daisy been doing some twerking

Now we have a delicate name for a delicate dog hunching the other dog. We tell them to stop twerking. Daisy has such a gentle little face and weighs 6 1/2 pounds. She also twerks her sister Buttons whenever she can. Who knew she was a trendsetter.

Miley Cyrus has the same manager as Brittney Spears. Let's all do the math.

Why the shock to the awful grind? Could it be her Southern roots? Afterall, you're a lady or a tramp. no in between. Could it be the skinny little body which is reminiscent of a teenager's body.

Could it be Cyrus is not being who she really is?

She would be part of the majority at this point. I never really bought into actors being typecast. It's more like they had 15 minutes of fame and didn't recognise it.

Some entertainers have lifelong careers. They also have the bankroll to finance projects in which they star. They study their craft so they can believably play more roles. Then promote the venture. Have you ever noticed the more they advertise a movie, the more likely it is a yawner.

One thing I like about is Joan Rivers is her honesty. When asked how she chose projects? She said she took whatever came up that was available. She seized opportunity.

Twerk and twerp sound very similar. We all need to think before we twerk. Being a lifelong nerd, I know from experience.

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