I thought there was only one edge and I lived beside it. But no there is a left side. Imagine a left side and right side, who knew. Then again is it my left side and your right?
My laptop screen cracked and I spent two months putting off getting it repaired. I used my kindle, iPhone and android tablet to cruise the net. The crazy autocorrect in addition to the small screen keyboard tried my patience. So I only made a few and sometimes wacky incoherent comments on a few blogs I follow.
A break is good. Maybe not so good if you are trying to make money. I have five posts which generate a great deal of traffic everyday. They are not phenomenal.
One post concerns a gang member who smiled for her booking photo when she was charged with participating in the killing of two men whose car had broken down. Subsequent booking photos are very solemn. The deep doo-doo she is in has become a reality. Eventually, I will take it down. I feel a sadness that I will probably outlive many gang members.
You must write or your ideas are lost. I had posts swimming in my head but I didn't catch any, because I did not write them down. I had this fantasy I would catch up with my housework.
There is a creepiness to the internet. I normally delete spam from one email account. However, some of them were clearly pornographic and I began to report them to spam@uce.gov . They eventually disappeared. However, I have an aggressive thief wanting to blackmail me with my Ashley Madison account.
A point to note is that I do not have an Ashley Madison account. So the sex tape and records of trysts would be unwanted but free porn. One wanted ten bitcoin which is about 2500 US dollars because supposedly I impregnated her. Hasn't she heard of court ordered child support? The case would be dismissed pretty fast in that I am a post menopausal woman.
How long I was getting the messages is a curiosity. I normally do not look at spam. However, they have changed to yahoo addresses. I have made some screenshots for a future series of blogposts.
Meanwhile, I am writing a thriller in which a post menopausal woman hunts down the catfish threatening her. He dies a grisly death, hung by his penis from a tall tree. Would the woman be exonerated by a jury of her peers?
When I started this blog, I received some good advice. Do not use your regular email address. The original email posted on the blog received a great deal of spam and a few individuals who asked for money. It is important to have separate email addresses for separate parts of your life.
The blackmailer wants me to give them my paypal address. I am moving all my finances to one email account that is only used for that purpose. I had changed my paypal address several years ago from the email address I'm getting this spam from.
Meanwhile, do you have any suggestions of twists and turns with "The Short Life of the Ashley Madison Blackmailer"? Since it is fiction, terrible fates can befall the blackmailer.
I doubt real life is that great for the blackmailer.
Wow, they must be hard up if they go the blackmail route. Best to just delete that nonsense, but it can make for a fun post I suppose. Wise to have a few different emails indeed though.
ReplyDeleteI wish I had deleted them. I think I got them all stirred up when I fumbled with my android and accidently hit reply and not forward for the spam address. Anyway, the email address is retired and I am going to ignore it. They are just phishing. Buzzards.
DeleteYou impregnated another woman? You have a rare gift then.
ReplyDeleteThanks for email of spam@uce.gov. I'm going to put it to use.
From the vulgar language, she was not immaculate conception material. That and a few others gave me a laugh.
DeleteThe spam email stops the spam. I doubt they care about the predatory nature of these emails though.
If you could cash in on your impregnating females talent, you'd be rich and could hire someone to deal with your spam for you! Glad to hear from you!
ReplyDeleteI could just close down the infertility clinics.
DeleteI had too much time on my hands. The porn ticked me off.
I've been getting all kinds of interesting offers in my spam folder. Spam had been coming in huge gobs for about two weeks. I don't know what is up with that.
ReplyDeleteI guess everybody needs a little extra money during the holidays including parasites.
DeleteThe spam@uce.gov has cut the amount of spam and stopped the porn email.
I've been wondering about you. I thought maybe you did fall off the end of the Earth. Computer problems I can understand.
ReplyDeleteSpam can be pretty annoying, but I get far less than I might expect. I'd rather get none. Blogger and my email servers do a pretty good job of filtering the spam into a folder. Spammers are such useless individuals.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
spam@uce.gov has helped a lot. I should not have been reading any of it but the porn really aggravated me. I got a LinkedIn look alike email with a link that led me to a site that sold Viagra. Spammers could make so much more by legally working.