Thursday, April 7, 2016


Rhonda walked into the nail salon and there was one chair left. Not any chair, but Ving Nyugen's chair, a veritable Vietnamese heartthrob. Just in time he says, "Everyone just got a customer just before I returned from lunch."

Then, she notices where is her purse and runs back out.
Luckily, her purse was still in the grocery cart where she left it in the corral. Walking back, Rhonda watches a woman park close to the nail salon. Oh I hope she is going to the Sandwich Shop thought Rhonda as she stepped up her pace to a light jog.

Dang, that woman is strolling to the salon thought Rhonda as she broke into a run. She and Rhonda grab the door handle at the same time. They are side by side struggling to go in first. The golden chair is still open. Ving is waiting with the warm water bubbling for someone's sore feet.

That damn woman's leg is in front of Rhonda's leg. She'll trip if she rushes her.

Besides, this is so undignified. A bit of sanity sips into Rhonda's mind as she felt a bead of sweat roll down her face. She calms herself, she is no fool, she relaxes and smiles at the woman and says, "After you."

The woman says, "Oh no you go first."

Rhonda says, " You were here first, after you." Rhonda's face has become solemn and sad.

The woman says, "You can go. I'm not in a hurry." The woman moves her leg and opens the door wider. Her face changes from what are you doing to you're a person.

Rhonda says, "No I can't do that."

The woman says, "Please go ahead."

Rhonda says, "You go."

The woman says, "No I insist."

Rhonda smiles broadly, "Well if you insist.


  1. She tried to be polite, but after all if someone insists :)


    1. My thoughts exactly. It gets competitive when the nail salon is busy.

  2. Sneaky! Way to turn it around in her favor.

    1. I wrote the doorway fight from a prompt. Real life is never as exciting except sometimes in the news.

  3. Nice flash fiction. A lot said in few words.

    1. Thank you Suzanne. I try to write a few pieces. The characters and sometimes the situations show up in a longer work.

  4. Pretending to act nice to get what you want, done every day.

    1. Even the chap with a hat and a coupla cats knows how I bet.

  5. a smile and politeness goes a long way. Good little story

    1. Plus it restores your sanity too. Thank you Joanne.

  6. That's right, kill 'em with kindness! Great story, Ann:-) I pictured them wiggling in that doorway somewhere on Mayberry's main street.

  7. Politeness will always win the day! However much one desires to have it one melts when others are polite to oneself. Very true Ann!


  8. Perfect!! Manners win the day ... or the coveted seat in the salon :D

  9. A great story! Thoroughly enjoyed. Is this called flash fiction?


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