Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Susan Kelley/Gourley/ Diedre Knight

Susan Kelley/Gourley and Diedre Knight are two great blogging friends.


The Marine's QueenSusan Kelley/Gourley was nice enough to let me assist her the first year I did A to Z. The bloghop A to Z allowed me to meet people who were going to be around awhile. Blogging makes me a better writer. It flexes that writing muscle. More importantly, it allows me to see opinions from other people. I think that is the attraction for so many other bloggers. 

Susan is a terrific writer. I read her space opera "The Marine's Queen". I am not a romance reader. I read a small amount of science fiction. I enjoyed the book immensely. I plan to read the rest of the series. Susan writes fantasy under her real name, Susan Gourley and romance under her pen name Susan Kelley.


Diedre Knight writes a terrific blog called Pensive Pens.

Her blog is a good read and you learn some interesting points. One was a surprising read that revealed a realistic view of Thomas Edison being deeply competitive in his achievements and his place in history.

Diedre writes children's books. I need to order one. I have a TBR list that is unreal. When I taught school, I purchased books for children to read. I left all of those books at schools I worked at. I don't read as many children's books as I did back then.

Now on Amazon!Beanie's Backyard


What I like about both of these gals is that they take me serious as a writer. They are both quite accomplished. My goals are to write what I can and be satisfied with having read widely and learned more. 


  1. I follow Susan's blog. I had intentions of reading one of her books last year and blogging a review but life got in the way. Hopefully this year!


  2. You're right about blogging being an opportunity to meet people and take in vistas and views that we would not come across in our day to day lives. And the A-Z magnifies and concentrates that into one month.


  3. I've followed Susan's blog for years. I need to read that series as I love the idea of romance and sci-fi blended together.

  4. Blogging is a great way to meet people with similar interests. I've met several people through the A to Z Challenge that I've now been following for years.
    Discarded Darlings - Jean Davis, Speculative Fiction Writer, A to Z: Editing Fiction

  5. I write and read totally different genres.I enjoy good childrens literature occasionally for light reading and sharing .One can read a number of books in a short time, while with reading aloud put smiles on many faces.

  6. I've visited their sites as well from time to time. Great choice.

    K is for Kevlar—Gift From Aliens?

  7. Followed Susan for years at our sea. The cat feels old now lol

  8. diedre (she purposely uses the lower case, I recently found out) is a good blogging friend of mine as well. I love her writing style and spooky stories she shares at Pensive Pens. Thanks for the introduction to Susan; I'll check out her blog. You're not the only one with a large TBR list. There's a huge stack on my night table and a bunch of ebooks on my Kindle app. One of these days!

  9. Hi Ann - I've been following Susan for a while, and this year met diedre ... must now find out why the lower case.

    Blogging broadens our minds so much ... and opens the door to so many other instances of life ... love it - cheers Hilary


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