Saturday, April 1, 2017

Maya Angelou, Isabel Allende

Writers I've loved, known or met will be my A to Z theme. The list could have had many more and should have had only one for each letter. But writer's are my rock stars. What can I say.

Maya Angelou Disc2000
Maya Angelou in 2000
Maya Angelou has an incredible body of work. In college I remember reading "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings" in my freshman English class. I wanted to be deep and have perspective. Some of the story was shocking to me. I did not know that servants often have keen insight to their employers or that being given a different name at work is degrading.

The professor would explain points. My young 18 year old self would think, "It sounds good but maybe." In the adult world, maybe became yes. After teaching many students over the years, point of view became relevant.

Poetry and quotes of Maya Angelou is what I like most. My favorite quote attributed to Maya Angelou is "People may not remember what you said; but, they will remember how you made them feel." However, I discovered this quote was  originally by Carl W. Buchener.

This is a good source to read more about Maya Angelou.

Isabel Allende - 001
Isabel Allende
"Daughter of Fortune" by Isabel Allende was a wonderful read. Such rich description of life in Chile and California of the 1800's fascinated me. I feel a twinge of sorrow for the young woman who died in childbirth. The characters were so real.

Allende's latest book "Japanese Lover" will be a treat for me to read in May for writing and reading blogs in April. 😁

Isabel Allende's website


  1. You have a great theme for A/Z! I have not read the book of Isabel Allende; sounds interesting. I never read much of Maya Angelou either. Sometimes too many authors/books and not enough time. Will try to follow along through your A/Z as much as I can :)


  2. I haven't read books by either author, but know the names. Maya Angelou's quotes are familiar, at least. Happy first day of the challenge! See you again, soon.
    Debbie @ THE DOGLADY'S DEN
    Latest post: Azzurro: Going AWOL in Switzerland

  3. Hi Ann - this will be a wonderful theme for the A-Z - I look forward to your choices ... enjoy the Allende book ... cheers
    A - Z Challenge 2017 post today is


  4. Other quotes have also been attributed to Maya Angelou that did not originate with her. I think it is a testament to her skill with words, as well as he wonderful speaking voice. Even USPS put a quote on the stamp dedicated to her that she did not say.

    Phillip | A is for artistamps

  5. I know one out of the two. Never read any of them yet though, as the pile does grow.

  6. Great theme, Ann! I enjoyed reading about these two great writers. I know Maya Angelou but hadn't heard of Isabel Allende. So interesting. I also didn't know that they attribute some quotes to Angelou that she didn't really say. Good luck with the challenge!

  7. I am a devotee of Maya Angelou. She is a wise and beautiful spirit. I look forward to your A-Z! Hugs.
    Annie at ~McGuffy's Reader~

  8. Awesome topic Ann. Wow, you have 2 blogs in the are a blog machine, girl.

  9. a number of years ago I had the opportunity to watch Maya Angelou recite/perform "I Risw". I cried, really. It was that moving.

  10. I love Maya Angelou, she was a woman ahead of her time.

  11. Fan of Maya Angelou's poetry here. Phenomenal Woman is an all time favourite. Haven't read Isabel Allende yet, though have heard of her of course. Great choice of writers for A! Thanks for the recos, I just love book/author recos - though my TBR lists tend to teeter on the verge of explosion always.
    Best always,
    Theme : Arabiana

  12. Maya Angelou is a favorite of my and my daughter. I have a bunch of her quotes somewhere on a Pinterest board too.

  13. What a wonderful theme, I look forward to popping in from time to time throughout the challenge!

    DB McNicol, author & traveler
    Theme: Oh, the places we will go!


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