Sunday, March 15, 2015

Do you ever root for the bad guy

The cat chased the mouse on Tom and Jerry. The cat was the bad guy and always lost and was banged up as a result. One time my older brother turned to me and said, I'd like the cat to win one time. My seven year old self nodded in agreement.

I guess this is why we like anti-heros like Tony Soprano and the Breaking Bad dude.

What brought this to mind is news of a middle aged, overweight woman who comes from a good, long established family with a husband and sons working as firemen or sheriff deputies being investigated for missing funds. She may be innocent. I hope it is just a mistake in the system. The news is ominous in that the Georgia Bureau of Investigation is doing the inquiry.

Now one theft I did not feel sorry for the thief was a couple that were draining an elderly man's bank accounts. They bought ridiculous things like ski jets and other luxury items. Blowing the money away like it was nothing. Have you ever noticed the wastefulness of some people with money they steal?

I guess if someone is hurt and affected, you feel angry at the criminal. But if it is a corporation or government entity, you feel enough distance to feel some sympathy for the perpetrator at times. And why should I feel that way. It is not like they are stealing to save a child's life or help anyone else. It is usually just plain ole materialistic greed.

Anyway, I have had a rusty cough for the past two weeks. It started with a cold but it is just my old allergies jumping at the opportunity to rear it's head. Next year, we may pile into the minivan and go to Arizona during February and March.  Meanwhile I've written the following ditty. I've been following a blog called It's Rhyme Time. After reading I tend to think in rhymes.

I have the crud is all I can say
I've snorted, hacked coughed away
Pear trees are a bloom
I can only fume

With pollen all day
My cough wont go away
Will this be my doom
Sitting in my tomb

School kids will pay
Calling me out to play
When they sing out my name
I'll make some coughing fame

On an evening with a full moon
I'll make a big boom
They'll be singing my tune
Croaking like a loon

I'll feel better soon
And sit on a ocean dune
Have a hop and skip on a sunny day
My cough finally at bay


  1. I hope that you feel better soon--I sound like Nick Nolte right now, and that's been rather weird!

    1. Thanks. Now that I have retired from teaching, I know coughing can make you lose your voice too.

  2. Pat Hatt does make you feel like rhyming everything. Hope you feel better. I despise thieves, especially identity thieves. They can really ruin people's lives.

    1. I know, he's got me rhyming my thoughts when I walk my dogs. I forgot about identity thieves. A pox on them for sure.

  3. Forgot to say I loved Tom and Jerry. My favorites were the ones where they worked together.

  4. haha not a bad rhyme, too bad it is a germy crime. Nasty old germs, almost as bad as catching worms. So says the cat at our blog mat. The coyote should have caught the road runner too at least once. Pulling one over on banks gives me no issue.

    1. You got me beat on the rhymes but I can try. Beep Beep.

    2. I find when I am rooting for the anti-hero, that I feel bad that I am endorsing so much bad. I get the crud this time of year because of the pollen. I have to sit up sometimes if I wake myself up coughing.

    3. I find when I am rooting for the anti-hero, that I feel bad that I am endorsing so much bad. I get the crud this time of year because of the pollen. I have to sit up sometimes if I wake myself up coughing.


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