Monday, March 23, 2015

Walking the Backroads of Central Georgia

I found myself looking forward to my favorite blogs and so many stopped posting after Trifecta stopped their challenges.

A to Z looks to be as fun. I checked out a few blogs when I signed up. Was I in the right territory?

A to Z is social and I found some great blogs to follow. I would like to find a few more. One thing I have encountered while writing a blog is the willingness of people already established in writing to take time to read my blog and friend me.

My theme is Central Georgia in nature, food, places and people. Like they say, write what you know. I'll follow each entry with several blogs and people you may want to visit.

So join me on a walk along a dirt road in Georgia.


  1. Nice to meet a fellow "Doglady"! ☺ I'm looking forward to learning more about central Georgia. Good luck with the A-Z Challenge.

  2. I have a chihuahua mix in my lap as I type. People seem to be from so many places. What is routine here maybe a bit exotic to others..

  3. Hi, Ann. Thanks for stopping by my blog today! I've only been to Georgia once on my way through to Florida when I was younger, and I remember the sign in front of a restaurant that said all friendly-like, "Y'all come on in!" I'd love to hear more about those backroads. I'll be watching for them!

    Sue Archer
    Doorway Between Worlds

    1. Southern Hospitality, we will talk your head off for sure. Thanks for visiting.

  4. I'm looking forward to hearing about Georgia...the stuff that most tourists don't get to experience. Will be fun to explore your state, especially since I don't get to travel much. I have been through Georgia though and it's gorgeous!
    Michele at Angels Bark

    1. I don't get to travel either and I do think I am a direct descendent of Marco Polo. Even though, Georgia is mundane in that I have lived here all my life; I know everything is a whole different kettle of fish for someone who lives elsewhere. Thanks for the visit.

  5. This is a great theme. I'm looking forward to learning more about your life there in Georgia.
    Elizabeth Hein - Scribbling in the Storage Room

    1. I hope I can keep it perky. I have a few field cameras in my yard and maybe something exciting has happened on one of those. If not, I'll present the ordinary which will be different for folks who do not live near. Thanks for visiting.

  6. I've done the A to Z challenge the past three years, but I'm sitting it out this year. It's a lot of fun but also a lot of work, and I need to make progress on my novel. :-) I hope you have fun with it! As a resident of SC, I think blog posts about my neighbor state sound like they'll be very interesting. Good luck!

    1. I love your blog and the tweets. Writing your novel is important and blogging takes more time than you think. I set a timer because I will stay at it too long and I have other things to do. I was surprised when I realised I was missing out on blogs and so A to Z will give me some more to follow and a few friends along the way.

  7. The pastures around here have turned green as well. So beautiful.


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