Sunday, June 21, 2015


Maybe it is the stiff wide leaf grass closely mowed or the salt air, but Saint Simon's Island brings so many memories back to me.

One memory happened when I was away at college. My parents and younger siblings made a jaunt to Brunswick and Jekyll Island which required a pilgrimage to the National Park Fort Frederica. They returned to the 62 rambler station wagon to see a man running off with the sausages, eggs and other groceries they had purchased. Mom would fire up the green camp stove and cook us a feast for every meal.

I went to the park so many times, I remember there was an Ann Bennett's tavern in the early settlement. This tickled my twelve-year-old heart to discover.

On father's day, I feel a special pain. My dad would chaperone our girl scout trips and one was to Jekyll Island. He purchased a large tent and my family started going several times a year.

My parents had swimming in the ocean down to a science so we didn't get sunburned. One time the undertow whipped my grandmother off her feet and she lost her false teeth. We did plenty of diving but never found those teeth.

I'm staying at the Booth motel on the retreat Epworth by the Sea for the Southeastern Writer's Conference. I may never chug out a published story, but they are a fantastic group of people. It is small and as I suspected many of the attendees know each other. So many have come many years in a row. There are some who have come for 20 years or more.

Just a few evening views of the Frederica River beside the Epworth retreat.


  1. Looks like a soothing spot. Those poor teeth may still be down there somewhere haha

    1. Yes, if you swim in the ocean and feel a bite, it might be grandma's teeth. lol

  2. That sounds like a great place to write. My parents never took us to the beach when we were little. I loved taking our own children there though I always found them swimming in the ocean stressful.

    Susan Says

    1. You do wonder what is swimming with you. I remember seeing someone fish in the surf when I was a kid. It really turned me on to snorkeling. I can understand why you would be stressed about your kids in the ocean and a whole lot of other things.

  3. Peaceful place for writing. Your story about grandma losing her teeth was funny.

    1. My grandmother would laugh at the story. But as an adult woman, I know she was a trooper. She was always particular about her looks and I know going without her teeth for awhile was miserable.

  4. Looks like a lovely spot. The writers' conference sounds interesting too. Great place for inspiration! My parents used to take me to the beach as a child. It was always a fun experience, but nobody lost their teeth. Your poor Grandma!

    1. It is beautiful. I have checked out so I can just scoot out after the last speaker. However ------ I hate to leave the beach.


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