Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Ludic Loops

I have stopped blog hopping. Too much time writing a piece of flash fiction and not enough time for my work in progress.

I get lost reading everyone's blog and trying to think of a good comment. Some comments come more easily than others. Not every story tickles my fancy. Then the stories I am not too impressed with win at times. I got a long way to go is all I got to say.

Now to deal with my secondary problem -----> Candy Crush. I knew not to start with these games. Candy Crush gives you 5 lives and makes you wait several hours for five more to prevent burnout.

Oh bummer, I got to quit on my own accord. Either that or find out I am in the top 100 in levels when I die and have that chiseled on my tombstone. The epithet would read, Damn, I thought she would never stop playing Candy Crush.

These games are a nuisance to everyone who wants you to get off the computer and fix dinner, have a conversation, walk the dog, etc. Yet they are so addictive. There was a great article about the problem on NPR. Candy Crush Addiction article

It turns out Candy Crush is a procrastination device. Can I hear a sarcastic "Go figure" from anyone. Plus the unpredictable rewards goad people on.

I know I have enjoyed the stages where there was alot of candy crushing. In a few stages, you have to resist that impulse to win. What is aggravatingly clever is the great move always present when you run out of moves. For 99 cents or 1.99 cents, you can get 5 more moves. Luckily, I have the rule to spend no money. May the makers of Candy Crush go broke. It's not likely to happen with so many playing.

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