Sunday, February 10, 2013

Bogus Spam Email

This was in my spam box with a hotmail address. So many predators, so many vulnerable folks.

You can't stop it. I've printed the text in blue. Red is  my changes to make the letter more true.

HELLO DEAR  (Hello Dummy)

Pardon me for Contacting You Through this media. I'm trolling the internet hoping to meet someone really gullible. But please I am in Desperate Need of your assistance; Looking for a total idiot. Partial idiots are wise to my ways. My Name is JOYLEN TREYA (My name is actually Big Ass Con-artist. If you answer this email my pet name for you will be "dumbass".) the wife of Mr.JOMIE PALMARES TREYA Mayor of Rizal in Cagayan Province.I googled this name and saw excerts of this letter. It downloaded a file without my asking when I opened the blogspot. Don't be as stupid as me.. Who Was recently in the Philippine Killed by Gunmen on JUNE 12TH 2011. You really mean the 13 members of a criminal gang killed by Phillipine police on January 6, 2013. 

13 members of criminal gang killed by police in the Phillipines.

Well Threat During the late husband on my life , He gave me the total sum of U.S. $ 5,200.000 (Five million two hundred Thousand united states dollars) and asks me to put it in a metallic box . Then deposit it in a security and finance company abroad just in case anything ever Happen to him .Even though we are rich as six inches up a cow's ass, we don't have enough sense to invest our money. We put it in big bags like bags of gold in a fairy tale. Oops, this is a tale. Just not a fairy tale. I did deposit the total sum as He gave it to me under a secret arrangement as a family valuable. This Means That the security company does Not Know the content of this metallic box You think they might be suspicious. That much paper money would be pretty heavy. I know a box of books is heavy..Since the death of my late husband , the Philippine state government has blocked me and my late husband accounts Through the help of my late husband family. The Phillipines has aircraft that flies in and out of the country. To be admitted into another country they would need a passport. Also my late husband brothers succeeded in Collecting Have All Our
properties from me That is under my control and They Are Still looking for more.Therefore I am Contacting you to help me secure the sum Which I Explain to you above , for the future of my kids. Since my late husband family made it impossible for me to move out of my late husband in Philippine house How about getting a job and make your own money.
Please do tell me if I can trust you as Who Will Not sit on this money When You Claim it. I am willing to Give you 20% of the total sum in box After That You Have successfully secured it. Reasons for safety so That I can come over to meet you there in your country for you to help me invest the money in a good business Wait, you said you couldn't leave the Phillipines or your home.
i will like to hear from you so that i will Immediately know if i can trust you with all my heart and if you are capable what a sweet sentiment from a sociopath so that i Can send you my pictures and my international passport and all the documents so That You Will Better Understand and I will wait your message on my private email address /where I will ask you to put so much cash in a brown paper bag and meet me in a hotel lobby. 
Best regards

From a online predator


  1. LOL!I enjoyed this one thoroughly-I keep getting such emails by the dozen-wish we could really respond like this to their cheap tactics-wonder if anyone falls for these though?;-)

  2. Sadly yes. As the Barnum and Bailey circus master said, "There is a sucker born every day." I love hearing from you. I've checked out your blog.

  3. Ha ha got that email today,goggled and got this blog,thanks a bunch!!


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