Thursday, January 24, 2013

Checkers and the $86 dogbite.

The first time I met Checkers, she was looking at me like she really and really, really, really loved me. I thought what a sweet little dog.

The down low is that checkers had come out the back door and seen my car full of old folks. Arriving at the front porch, she knew to get what she wanted in life, she had to act fast.

In conversation, her owner said they were looking for a home for her. My family was used to animal acquisitions but frankly could have lived without Checkers. Within 24 hours, everyone looked at me with horror when I brought up the fact the original owner said she was returnable.

Checkers has a very special place in our household. She is Queen of the Universe, humble dragon around the house.

In order to be Queen of the Universe, you must not associate with any dog pack in the house. One of her puppies belongs to the old timers pack. The other three are wannabees who are loosely accepted. Checkers accepts her throne with the nonchalance of someone born to rule.

Night before last, Checkers was trembling. The next morning, she was too tender to be lifted. However she ate two dog treats and jumped off and back up on a bed with ease. My mother was worried she may be so injured she might have to be put down.

After a worried trip to the vet, Checks recognized the place. They had fixed her eye when it was injured. Calmly, she allowed the vet to put a muzzle on her. He felt her little rib cage. She weighs 8 pounds. Took her to the back to shave her fur, she had two grazes from a dog bite.

Probably Loretta. She did look guilty.

Very minor injury, we did get the pain pills. Checkers walked sassy from the vets office and jumped into the car. I guess even dogs are relieved to find out their injury is not serious.

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