Saturday, January 26, 2013

Memory Lane

Driving down Popular Street in Macon, for a brief moment it looked like a medieval village with garroted towers, church steeples touching the sky on a knoll. Then the light changed.

Sidney Lanier Cottage
Macon, GA is a town in decline and a town resurrecting itself from the ashes. The noble infrastructure of grand homes, extensive store fronts, old manufacturing buildings with ancient water tower intact still stand along with the remnants of brick facades, boarded up businesses, an occasional homeless person along the street and modern business towers.

Today, I saw a homeless woman along a east-west street on the edges of downtown Macon's business district. My spoiled bulldog started with a soft bark. Like a child, I nudged her softly to not talk. The light took forever to change and she had developed a rolling deep throated bark.

There is a shiver you feel in your soul when you realize a dog riding in your car has a better life than the woman sitting along the sidewalk.

When I got out of the meeting at Sidney Lanier Cottage along High Street, the view is fabulous. The Macon Medical Center looks incongruous with its modernity against the rolling land of the Piedmont and genteel homes. The urge to skip on the brick road like I did as a child rumbles in my throat.

Getting into my car. Louise nuzzles me. She knows I'll buy her a hamburger.

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